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Qurbani 2023 A Time For Celebration And Reflection

Eid al Adha 2023: A Date to Remember

Qurbani 2023: A Time for Celebration and Reflection

Mark Your Calendars for Wednesday, June 28th, 2023

As the Islamic calendar draws near to the auspicious occasion of Eid al Adha, Muslims around the world eagerly anticipate the arrival of this sacred holiday. Celebrated on the tenth day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah, Eid al Adha is a time for spiritual renewal, family gatherings, and charitable deeds. This year, the festival will take place on Wednesday, June 28th, 2023.

During Eid al Adha, Muslims commemorate the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) to sacrifice his son Ishmael (AS) at the command of Allah. This act of unwavering devotion is remembered through the symbolic sacrifice of an animal, known as Qurbani. The meat from the sacrificed animal is then distributed to the poor and needy, fostering a spirit of charity and compassion.
